Allegri: Scudetto? “ABSOLUTELY NO! There are better teams than us there”

The coach’s statements after the win against Monza, decided by a late goal from Gatti that propels the Bianconeri to the top, at least temporarely.

Juventus secured a victory in the early match of the 14th Serie A matchday at the U-Power Stadium against Monza. The match was decided by Gatti in injury time. This result allows the Bianconeri to temporarily surpass Inter at the top of the standings.

Allegri: “Scudetto? Absolutely not.

When asked about his team’s chances of winning the league, Allegri answered: “Favorites for the Scudetto? Absolutely not. There are teams stronger than us out there. Our goal is to play every three days next season. So our goal is just the Champions League. And to reach our goal, we cannot avoid playing these kinds of matches. The objective is to return to playing in the Champions League next year. But we still need to improve; we haven’t reached our maximum potential. The Scudetto is not something we care about right now”