Zhang with a direct call to Inzaghi. Bring the ‘2nd Star’ and everything will change

Zhang calls Inzaghi and messages the players: Now it’s time to push for the second star

A distant president who becomes close through the phone. That’s the daily reality of Inter, filled with pride and ambition. The connection is genuinely hot between Asia and Milan: yesterday, for example, the President send a message to Federico Di Marco for his birthday.

On Wednesday night, there was another WhatsApp from the Inter number one to captain Lautaro after the Salzburg penalty. And, above all, as reported by ‘Gazzetta dello Sport’ yet another call to Simone Inzaghi, ‘his’ coach, the man whom Steven Zhang himself has called a ‘gift.’

The president now is demanding something made up of two words… that, when combined, become very strong: ‘second star.’ The president is In contact with every piece of the club, starting from the two CEOs Marotta and Antonello, he speaks with them continually:

The president even uses some expressions in Italian but the calls are usually in English. The Italian language is still challenging for him, despite strides in understanding, but all his interlocutors have noticed that, through sheer repetition, the two magical words are pronounced correctly.

Zhang appreciates the work done, even from a distance. He has announced that the second star and the Scudetto would change Inter’s course and ease Suning’s permanency. And as it was revealed yesterday, Inter’s first man rewarded his team with €2M in rewards for the qualification in the next Champions League round with 2 games to spare.