World’s oldest living man is 111 years old and he shares his advice for living a long life

Meet John Alfred Tinniswood, the new Guinness World Records holder for being the world’s oldest living man, aged 111 years and 223 days as of April 5, 2024.

Hailing from England, Tinniswood credits his remarkable longevity to a combination of factors.

Living in a care home in Southport, Tinniswood is described by the staff as an avid conversationalist, still quite independent in his daily activities. He attributes his long life to “pure luck,” emphasizing that one’s lifespan is often a matter of chance.

While Tinniswood doesn’t adhere to a specific diet, he follows a balanced approach to eating and avoids smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Moderation, according to him, is key to overall well-being.He also mentioned having fish and chips every friday.

Having lived through significant historical events like both World Wars, Tinniswood has had a diverse career, serving in administrative roles for the Army Pay Corps and later in accounts for major companies like Shell and BP until his retirement in 1972. He was married to his late wife, Blodwen, for 44 years and has a loving family with grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Receiving special birthday cards from Queen Elizabeth II since his 100th birthday in 2012, Tinniswood’s life philosophy centers on giving one’s best effort in everything, whether learning or teaching.

While Tinniswood holds the title of the oldest living man, the record for the oldest documented living person overall is held by Maria Branyas Morera from Spain, currently aged 117 years.