World’s most beautiful girl Thylane Blondeau is all grown up. What does she look like today

Born on April 5, 2001, in Aix-en-Provence, France, Thylane Blondeau has captivated the world with her incredible beauty for nearly two decades. Her journey to fame began at the tender age of four when she was hailed as ‘the most beautiful girl in the world,’ a title that has remained synonymous with her name.

Blondeau’s foray into the world of fashion commenced at the age of five when a keen-eyed talent scout discovered her at a Jean Paul Gautier fashion show. From that moment, she graced the stages of prestigious fashion events and became a coveted face for numerous advertising campaigns.

Despite early controversies surrounding her appearances in Vogue Enfants at just six years old, Blondeau’s career trajectory remained steadfast. Her resilience and talent propelled her to become the face of renowned global brands such as L’Oreal, Chanel, and Dolce & Gabbana.

As she matured, Blondeau seamlessly transitioned into acting, showcasing her versatility and charm on the silver screen. Her roles in acclaimed French films like ‘Belle & Sebastian: The Adventure Continues’ and ‘Young Blood’ garnered praise from both critics and audiences alike.

In 2018, TC Candler magazine bestowed upon her the title of ‘the most beautiful woman in the world,’ solidifying her status as an enduring beauty icon. Beyond her professional achievements, Blondeau has embraced the digital age, captivating millions of followers on Instagram with her captivating content.