TV Star from ‘The Bachelor’ admits to sleeping with over 700 men when talking about her former addiction

Belinda โ€œLoveโ€ Rygier, whose TV journey began with her appearance on the 2017 season of The Bachelor Australia, recently opened up about her personal journey, revealing that she has been following a recovery program and has been single for the past 15 months.

The 38-year-old shared that there was a time in her life when she would actively seek new sexual partners, going out six nights a week. She admitted that during the peak of her addiction, dating apps weren’t as prevalent as they are today.

During a radio interview, Belinda confessed that she didnโ€™t realize she had a problem until she began healing from it. She came to believe that an unresolved trauma from her past may have contributed to her sex addiction.

Despite her addiction consuming much of her life, Belinda described herself as a “functional addict” who managed to maintain a successful career while keeping her secrets hidden.

Although she has lost count, Belinda estimated that she has slept with over 700 men throughout the years. However, she expressed that she isnโ€™t ashamed of this number and still possesses a high sexual desire.

Belinda noted that men often told her what she wanted to hear, providing validation and a sense of feeling loved rather than true intimacy.

Now, Belinda practices sexual abstinence due to her belief that society has trivialized sex, using it for quick validation rather than meaningful connection. She emphasized that she can no longer engage in sexual activities without a strong emotional bond and intends to only have sex with someone she shares a deep connection with in the future.

Currently, Belinda has transitioned into a “love guru” role on social media and continues to make appearances in the media.