Tori Spelling and her most embarrassing moment: she had to pee in her son’s diaper: “Please, God, something”

Tori Spelling recently revealed that she once used one of her youngest son’s diapers to urinate while stuck in traffic in Los Angeles. “Once, when Beau was still in diapers, I really needed to pee,” said the mother of five on the April 18 episode of her podcast, Spelling It Like It Is. “I was stuck on the 101, which is the craziest highway here, and I thought, ‘I’m never going to make it home‘.”


On the April 19 episode of her podcast, misSPELLING, 50-year-old actress Tori Spelling shared a humorous story about a traffic jam she got stuck in. She was describing her “OG Balenciaga” bag, which she affectionately calls “Tori Poppins” because it’s always packed with useful items for emergencies. Spelling recounted:

“I was desperately looking through my Tori Poppins bag, hoping to find something that could help. I thought, ‘Please, something, God, anything.’ And then I found itโ€”diapers!” She continued, “There I was, stuck on the 101 freeway, notorious for its bad traffic, and realizing I wouldn’t make it home in time. So, I grabbed one of Beauโ€™s diapers and used it. It might sound strange, but it was actually quite practical in that moment!”