Heartbreakers (2001) is a delightful romantic comedy caper that pairs Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love Hewitt as a mother-daughter duo of con artists. Together, they scheme to swindle wealthy men out of their fortunes, with hilarious and often chaotic results. With its sharp humor, quirky twists, and a touch of romance, the film offers a playful take on love, greed, and family bonds.
Jennifer Love Hewitt shines as the feisty and seductive Page Conners, bringing her trademark charm and comedic timing to the role. As the younger half of the duo, Hewittโs character exudes confidence and sass, whether sheโs conning her marks or navigating her own romantic misadventures. Her chemistry with Weaver and her transformation throughout the film make Page an irresistible mix of wit and vulnerability, adding heart to this stylish and entertaining romp.