This teen idol broke the hearts of all the girls in the70s. Here is what he looks today at 68

Robby Benson was born Robin David Segal on January 21, 1956, in Dallas, Texas. The son of Freda Ann, a singer, actor, and business promotions manager, and Jerry Segal, a writer, Robby grew up in a household deeply connected to the arts.

From an early age, he was exposed to the world of entertainment, fostering his passion for acting. He moved to New York City, where he attended Lincoln Square Academy, honing his skills and preparing for a career in Hollywood.

Rise to Fame: The Breakthrough Roles

Benson’s journey to stardom began in the early 1970s when he appeared in television shows such as “Search for Tomorrow” and “The Streets of San Francisco.” His breakthrough came with the 1976 film “Ode to Billy Joe,” where he played the title character, Billy Joe McAllister. The film was a commercial success and solidified Benson’s reputation as a talented young actor.

Throughout the late 1970s and 1980s, Robby Benson built an impressive portfolio with notable films such as “One on One” (1977), where he co-wrote and starred as a college basketball player, “Ice Castles” (1978), portraying a hockey player helping his girlfriend overcome a tragic accident, and “The Chosen” (1981), delivering a powerful performance as Danny Saunders, a young Hasidic Jew in an adaptation of Chaim Potok’s novel.

In addition to his film work, Benson made a significant impact on television. He guest-starred in popular shows like “Friends” and provided his voice for various animated series, demonstrating his versatility as an actor.

Directing and Producing

Beyond acting, Robby Benson has also made significant contributions behind the camera. He directed episodes of hit TV shows such as “Ellen,” “Friends,” and “The Naked Truth.” His work as a director showcased his ability to tell compelling stories from a different perspective, further highlighting his multifaceted talent in the entertainment industry.

Personal Life and Advocacy

Robby Benson has been open about his health struggles, particularly his battle with heart problems. He underwent multiple surgeries to correct a congenital heart defect and has since become an advocate for heart health awareness. Benson has used his platform to raise awareness and support for those facing similar challenges.

In his personal life, Benson has been married to singer and actress Karla DeVito since 1982. The couple has two children, Lyric and Zephyr, and they continue to support each other in their artistic endeavors.

Legacy and Impact

Robby Benson’s career spans over five decades, marked by a diverse range of roles and achievements. From his early days as a teen heartthrob to his iconic voice work and directing efforts, Benson has left an indelible mark on Hollywood.

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