The Goat riddle that can ruin a conversation. The question is now finally answered

A man buys a Goat for 60$. He sells it for 70$, he buys it back for 80$ and sells it for 90$.How much did the man make or lose? Answer: The correct answer is $20

First calculate the man’s losses: $60 + $80 = $140
Now, calculate his wins: $70 + $90 = $160
Now calculate his loss vs. wins: $160-$140= $20 ……….TA DA!

If that didn’t make sense, here is another explanation:

  1. The man buys a goat for $60.
  2. He sells it for $70, making a profit of $70 – $60 = $10.
  3. He buys it back for $80, spending $80.
  4. He sells it again for $90, making a profit of $90 – $80 = $10.

Adding up the profits from both transactions, the man made $10 + $10 = $20.

So, overall, the man made a profit of $20.