The bond girl that stole the heart of the ‘Beatles’ drummer. This is her at 76 years old

Barbara Bach, born on August 27, 1947, in Queens, New York, is an American actress and model who rose to international fame for her role as a Bond girl in the James Bond film series.

Born Barbara Goldbach, she was the daughter of Marjorie and Howard Goldbach. Her father was a police officer, and her mother was a homemaker. Barbara grew up in a working-class family with a mix of Irish and Austrian-Jewish heritage, which influenced her multicultural outlook on life.

Modeling and Early Acting Career

Barbara’s striking beauty and charm were evident from a young age, and she soon ventured into modeling in the 1960s. Her modeling career took off quickly, leading to appearances in popular fashion magazines like Seventeen and Vogue. However, Barbara had bigger aspirations and transitioned into acting.

She made her film debut in the Italian film L’Oddissea (1968), where she played the role of Nausicaa. Her early career was largely centered in Italy, where she starred in several films, making a name for herself in the European film industry.

Breakthrough as a Bond Girl

Barbara Bach’s career skyrocketed when she was cast as Anya Amasova, a Soviet spy, in the 1977 James Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me. Her portrayal of the intelligent and strong-willed Bond girl earned her international recognition and remains one of the most iconic roles in the Bond franchise.

Barbara’s performance not only showcased her acting talent but also solidified her as a symbol of beauty and strength in cinema.

Life Beyond Acting

After her success as a Bond girl, Barbara continued to act in various films throughout the late 1970s and early 1980s. However, by the mid-1980s, she began to step back from acting. Barbara’s life took a new turn when she met and married Ringo Starr, the legendary drummer of The Beatles, in 1981. The couple became known for their strong bond and shared interests, particularly in philanthropy.

Philanthropy and Later Life

Barbara Bach and Ringo Starr have been deeply involved in charitable work throughout their marriage. They co-founded the Lotus Foundation, a charity focused on funding and supporting various causes, including substance abuse recovery, domestic abuse prevention, and animal welfare.

Barbara’s commitment to philanthropy has been a significant part of her life, showcasing her dedication to making a positive impact beyond the entertainment industry.

In her later years, Barbara has largely remained out of the public eye, choosing to focus on her personal life and charitable endeavors. Despite her retreat from the spotlight, her legacy as a Bond girl and her contributions to philanthropy continue to be remembered and celebrated.


Barbara Bach remains a beloved figure in the world of cinema and philanthropy. Her role as a Bond girl in The Spy Who Loved Me is still celebrated by fans of the franchise, and her work in charity has left a lasting impact on many lives.

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