She was America’s most beloved screen child. Cindy Brady just turned 63 years old now

Susan Olsen was born Susan Marie Olsen on August 14, 1961, in Santa Monica, California.

Growing up in a large family as the youngest of four children, Susan’s entry into the world of acting came naturally. Her brother, Christopher Olsen, was already an established child actor, and Susan soon followed in his footsteps.

Susan began her acting career at a very young age, appearing in commercials and television shows. Her first significant role came when she was just seven years old, playing the youngest daughter in the iconic television series The Brady Bunch.

The Brady Bunch and the Role of Cindy Brady

In 1969, Susan Olsen was cast as Cindy Brady, the youngest daughter of the Brady family in The Brady Bunch. Cindy, with her blonde pigtails and adorable lisp, quickly became a fan favorite. Susan’s portrayal of Cindy was marked by her innocent charm and the youthful exuberance she brought to the character.

The Brady Bunch ran for five seasons, from 1969 to 1974, and during this time, Susan Olsen became a household name. Cindy Brady’s character was known for her curiosity, sweet nature, and occasional mischief, all of which Susan played with a natural ease.

Life After The Brady Bunch

After The Brady Bunch ended, Susan Olsen continued to be associated with the role of Cindy Brady through various spin-offs, reunions, and television specials.

She reprised her role in The Brady Bunch Hour (1976-1977), The Brady Girls Get Married (1981), and The Bradys (1990), among others. These projects allowed her to maintain a connection with fans of the original series, and she became a nostalgic figure for many who grew up watching The Brady Bunch.

Other Ventures and Interests

In addition to her acting career, Susan Olsen has worked in various fields, showcasing her versatility and creativity. She is an accomplished artist, specializing in painting and graphic design.

Susan has also worked as a radio host, where she co-hosted the radio show Two Chicks Talking Politics and Ober And Olsen.

Susan’s interest in animal welfare has also played a significant role in her life. She has been a passionate advocate for animal rights and has volunteered her time to support various animal rescue organizations. Her commitment to this cause led her to designy yo benefiting animal shelters.

Personal Life and Advocacy

Susan Olsen has always been open about her life and experiences, using her platform to advocate for causes close to her heart.

She has spoken candidly about her struggles with anxiety and has used her voice to raise awareness about mental health issues.

In her personal life, Susan Olsen has been married and divorced twice and has one son, Michael, whom she has often described as her greatest joy.

Despite the ups and downs of her life in the spotlight, Susan has remained grounded and focused on her passions, whether in the arts, animal welfare, or advocacy.