She stole Mick Jagger’s heart in the 70s. This supermodel is 68 years old now

Jerry Faye Hall was born on July 2, 1956, in Gonzales, Texas. Raised in the Dallas suburb of Mesquite, Jerry was the daughter of Marjorie, a medical records librarian, and John P. Hall, a truck driver.

Her striking height and beauty were evident from a young age, setting her apart and hinting at a future in the spotlight. After high school, Jerry moved to Paris to pursue a career in modeling, a decision that would soon pay off.

Rise to Fame

Jerry’s career took off in the early 1970s when she was discovered sunbathing on a Saint Tropez beach by fashion agent Claude Haddad. She quickly became a fixture in the Parisian fashion scene, admired for her statuesque figure and distinctive features.

Jerry’s big break came when she began working with legendary photographer Helmut Newton and iconic designer Yves Saint Laurent. Her images began to appear in major fashion magazines, solidifying her status as one of the top models of the era.

Supermodel Status

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Jerry Hall became synonymous with the supermodel phenomenon. She was known for her versatility, able to move seamlessly between high fashion and commercial work.

Jerry graced the covers of countless magazines, including Vogue and Cosmopolitan, and walked the runways for the worldโ€™s top designers. Her presence in the fashion industry was characterized by her effortless elegance and charisma, making her a favorite of photographers and designers alike.

Acting and Music

In addition to modeling, Jerry Hall explored acting and music. She made her acting debut in the 1980 film “Urban Cowboy” and went on to appear in several other films and stage productions, including a notable performance in the Broadway revival of “The Graduate.”

Jerry’s relationship with Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger, which began in 1977, also immersed her in the world of rock music. She appeared in music videos and became a muse for Jagger, with whom she had four children.

Personal Life

Jerry Hall’s personal life has been marked by high-profile relationships and a dedication to family. Her relationship with Mick Jagger was one of the most talked-about romances of the 1970s and 1980s.

They had four children together: Elizabeth, James, Georgia May, and Gabriel. Although they separated in 1999, Jerry and Mick have remained connected through their children.

In 2016, Jerry married media mogul Rupert Murdoch in a widely publicized ceremony. Throughout her personal and professional ups and downs, Jerry has maintained a graceful and composed demeanor.

Later Years and Legacy

In recent years, Jerry Hall has continued to be an influential figure in fashion and entertainment. She remains active in modeling, often appearing in campaigns and editorials that celebrate her enduring beauty and style.

Jerry is also involved in various charitable endeavors, using her platform to support causes she is passionate about. Her legacy as a supermodel is defined by her remarkable career longevity, her ability to reinvent herself, and her status as a fashion icon.