Sarri: “We were scared today. Inter has one of the strongest midfields in Europe.”

Lazio’s coach after the defeat against Inter: “The team seemed scared. Lotito? He wasn’t angry; he was disappointed, just like me.”

Maurizio Sarri didn’t seek excuses after the clear defeat against Inter in the Supercoppa. “It was evident from the start. The difference between us and them is big.” commented the Lazio coach after the match. “Tonight, our mistakes were numerous. Our team has always struggled with these bad moments after a positive period. But we must admit Inter are strong and have one of the strongest midfields in Europe.”

Sarri’s then focused on his team, but his words were not particularly positive: “I had the feeling from the start that we were late in everything, including tackles. I saw a scared team in the initial phase of the game, frightened in the offensive phase, and weak in the defence.”

Sarri then emphasized the importance of learning from defeats. “In all negative experiences, there are lessons. If we look at the individuals, we are inferior to Inter,” Sarri concluded. “If we want to compete with these teams, we need to have something more than others in terms of determination. There’s a significant lesson we take from tonight.”

Regarding President Lotito‘s reaction to the defeat, Sarri mentioned, “He wasn’t angry; he was disappointed, just like me. We made a terrible impression in front of a wide television audience.”