Rocchi promotes Chiffi and Var on the Rabiot controversial case. Annoyance for Inzaghi’s words

Gianluca Rocchi, the designator of Serie A and B referees, did not like the overall conduct of the match by the referee Chiffi, but he agreed with the decision made by Var on the controversial hand-ball by Rabiot.

Because the 4-5 cameras that captured the Frenchman’s gesture in the 23rd minute of Inter-Juventus (didn’t produce clear images, it is the referees job to make a decision.

In short, a gesture not evidently punishable, and therefore for the designator the two acted in the most appropriate manner.

Instead, what annoyed Gianluca Rocchi were the words used by Simone Inzaghi which showed lack of respect.

“Something very serious has happened. We conceded an unacceptable goal in the Var era: being told there are no images is a further lack of respect,” said the Inter coach after the game.

Rocchi, among other things, took a rather strong position towards one of his referees, when Juan Luca Sacchi whistled in an untimely manner (Monza-Inter 2-2) canceling Acerbi’s possible 1-3: Sacchi, since that day (January 7, 2023) he has not arbitrated in A for the following two months.

The other question is: will the audio of the dialogue between Mazzoleni and Chiffi that took place during the time in which all the possible images were scanned be revealed for analysis? The answer at the moment is no.

Unless a meeting is organized in Lissone or Coverciano – , as has happened many other times – in which to “open” the audio in question. Certainly the will to make some passages public is not lacking, given that in the past it has been done several times (for example Pairetto in Spezia-Lazio a championship ago); at the moment, however, no meeting is scheduled for the national teams during the break of the championship.