Riddle of the day: what am I?

Riddles have been a part of human culture for centuries, offering a playful way to engage the mind and challenge our problem-solving skills. One such riddle that has puzzled many is:

“You throw away my outside, eat my inside, then throw away the inside.”

At first glance, this riddle might seem perplexing, but the answer is surprisingly simple. (pass the image below for the answer..

Answer: Corn on the cob!

This riddle cleverly plays on the different parts of the corn and their typical uses.

To break it down:

  1. “You throw away my outside” โ€“ This refers to the husk of the corn. When preparing corn on the cob, the first step is usually to remove and discard the husk, the leafy outer covering.
  2. “Eat my inside” โ€“ After the husk is removed, the kernels of corn are exposed. These sweet, juicy kernels are what we eat, whether boiled, grilled, or steamed.
  3. “Then throw away the inside” โ€“ Once the kernels are consumed, what remains is the cob. The cob itself is inedible and is usually discarded.

This riddle is a great example of how language can be used to create layers of meaning, requiring the solver to think beyond the literal and consider everyday objects from a different perspective. It’s a fun and lighthearted puzzle that can stump even the most experienced riddle enthusiasts until they realize the simplicity of the answer.