Pure Magic. Celine Dion and Elvis Presley sang together on American Idol. The King comes back to life.

In a stunning moment on American Idol in 2007, viewers were treated to a remarkable duet featuring Celine Dion and the legendary Elvis Presley. This performance, which took place 30 years after Presley’s death, was made possible through advanced hologram technology. The duet featured Presley’s 1968 hit “If I Can Dream.”

The performance began with Presley’s iconic voice, followed by a smooth exchange of lines between him and Dion. Their voices harmonized beautifully in the chorus, with Dion’s soaring mezzo-soprano blending perfectly with Presley’s rich baritone. This showcased Presley’s timeless stage presence and charisma, bringing his magic into the modern era.

This sensational performance quickly became a hit on YouTube, garnering 26 million views. The hologram of Presley was incredibly realistic, using close-up shots from his original 1968 performance. An Elvis impersonator assisted with wide shots to complete the illusion. Dion’s parts were filmed multiple times from different angles, ensuring a flawless final cut.

For those interested in seeing the original performance, Presley’s rendition of “If I Can Dream” from his ’68 Comeback Special can be watched below. This performance revitalized his recording career after years focused on films.

Check out the video below to witness this incredible performance.