Pulisic in ‘Shock’: death threats and insults on social media following the incident with Pellegrini.

The profile of the American player has been bombarded with various messages, most of which are unqualified, against the Milan winger.

“Death threats.” “Maybe you and your whole family will soon explode.” “You should spend your money on medicine.” These are just some of the shameful comments that appeared under the latest post by Christian Pulisic, the Milan winger who was involved in the recent match against Lazio at the Olimpico, where he provoked the expulsion of Luca Pellegrini.


The insults are shocking and unacceptable. Following Pellegrini’s outburst, who posted on Instagram after the match apologizing for the red card but complaining about the “unsportsmanlike behavior” of his opponent, some pseudo-fans targeted Pulisic’s profile, wishing death upon him and his family. In addition to these, there were dozens of other insults, such as “Tonight you lost your dignity. You’re a small man,” “You’re worthless, everything comes back,” “Absolute clown.”