Prince Harry attended the Invictus games, but he got literally ‘destroyed’ by his own father and brother

Prince Harry was in the United Kingdom (alone without his wife) for the marking of the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games.

The event, significant for military veterans, was held on May 8 at the iconic St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Notably, the cathedral is a mere 21-minute journey from Buckingham Palace, emphasizing the event’s prominence. However, Harry attended the celebrations without his wife, Meghan Markle.

Meghan has opted to travel to Nigeria instead of accompanying her husband to the UK, amid concerns over potential public backlash. Which eventually happended, with Harry joining her in Nigeria after the event, drawing huge, huge criticism from the Royal Family, who condemned their actions as out of place. (Representing the Royal Family and finishing their duty, without their knowledge)

Her decision comes in light of past experiences where she felt unwelcome and faced harsh criticism. The Duchess’s popularity has notably waned on the eastern side of the Atlantic, prompting fears of being booed or subjected to negative interactions by the public.


Prince Harry, whose popularity within his family has waned since he stepped back from his role as a working royal in 2020 and subsequently made several controversial statements about his relatives with Meghan Markle, finds himself in a challenging position. This strained relationship has particularly affected his ties with his brother, Prince William, and his father, King Charles III, both of whom now maintain a cautious distance from him.

Following his departure from royal duties, Harry and Markle had to vacate Frogmore Cottage, the residence they once shared. As a result, during his visits back to the United Kingdom, Prince Harry found himself staying in a hotel in London. And now it is very clear to him, as it was staded by his father: ‘Boy you can come here any time but you are not allowed to stay with us[

This arrangement was notably evident when he returned to the UK in February following news of his father’s cancer diagnosis. This shift from a royal residence to a hotel underscores the ongoing complexities of Harry’s relationship with the royal family since his move away from official royal life.

One thought on “Prince Harry attended the Invictus games, but he got literally ‘destroyed’ by his own father and brother

  1. This does not mean the RF is bad or unfeeling. They are trying to keep themselves and their families safe. Harry and Meghan left and Meghan always complained about Frogmore Cottage saying it was “too small,” etc. and then it came out she has asked the Queen to let them stay at Windsor Castle. She wanted only the best.

    For all the years these two miscreants left the UK, they have done nothing more than denigrate the RF, which had been so welcoming to Meghan, treated her with warmth and respect . . . until, of course, she showed her true colors. So THREE BOOKS were written and had to have had all the information straight from the lying pair. Think of how bad “Spare” is. The did the Oprah Show. When Oprah started facing the piper for what she allowed to be said on that show, she allegedly had an investigation done of the “facts” stated by Meghan and Harry. The investigator said there were 30 provable lies.

    How many realize Meghan twice asked the Queen to make Meghan, herself, the queen? How many realize Harry and Meghan saw the Queen together and Meghan asked her to make Harry the next king, not William.

    I don’t think Meghan loves Harry. I think she saw an opportunity to become queen as she had always dreamed of being — photos of William on all her bedroom walls as a teenager because HE was in line to become king after Charles. And greedy, narcissistic and probably even worse, Meghan, was determined (and still is, according to her mother) QUEEN!!! She didn’t even finish college! She does not know proper etiquette! She has quite a temper and explodes over things you and I would say oh, ho hum, ho hum, not important. And then there were all those videos after the three books! Videos of vile LIES from the pair of them. And lets not forget about her slapping Princess Charlotte when she was only 3 years old, and sneaking into the child’s bedroom at night when the babe was sleeping and taking photos of her. She got caught. William was told. He called the Queen. The Queen handled things very, very well and MegaLiar was sent off to Canada and indignant about it and thought it undeserved!! I would never let her in my house!!!

    Those two whiners and liars do not deserve to stay with the RF!!!! Would you want them in your home if expensive jewelry were stolen and she slapped a young child and sneaked into children’s bedrooms? I wouldn’t. The RF is taking the only action that makes sense for them to take. Meghan and Harry actually deserve much worse treatment than that. She should go to prison for high end theft at the least.

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