Osimhen: “I used to sell newspapers and water; I thank God for being alive. Football saved my life”

The striker has shared his tough childhood in Nigeria, the serious injury against Inter, and his connection with Napoli.

When I arrived at Napoli, there were people saying that I wouldn’t score more than four goals because Serie A is very physical. And Serie A it is really physical, but when you tell me I can’t do something, even if I don’t know how to, I will go and learn it and challenge those people. Those who said such things are now hiding,” Victor Osimhen said in an interview with the Kortyeo channel in Nigeria, ahead of his national team’s friendly against Saudi Arabia.

The player spoke about his emotional connection to the city, the injury against Inter (“I thank God for being alive”), his current status in ‘azzurri’ colors, and his challenging childhood.

Osimhen, being a Napoli player, praised Maradona: “Diego, for me, is the greatest of all time; no one else will ever be able to do something comparable to him in Naples.”

He also recalled the injury he suffered in November 2021: “It was during the match against Inter. The ball was coming, and I wanted to get it; the defender headed my face, and they had to operate on me. It was almost a fatal injury; I thank God that I am still alive.”

Regarding his present and his childhood, Osimhen said, “Fame means nothing to me today; I don’t care. Many famous people have their bank accounts in the red. It’s not easy to show love in the world we live in, which is why when someone comes to me and appreciates me, thanks me, or tells me to keep it up, it’s a privilege.”

“When I was a child, I could only dream of becoming a footballer; the situation for my family was tough, and I used to sell newspapers or water bottles. I love Lagos; when I have 4 days off, I come here. I enjoy being among the people I love. I like everything, the stress, the vibes, the love, the jealousy.”

He concluded by talking about his arrival in Europe at Wolfsburg at the age of 18: “When I was with the national team and we went to the U-17 World Cup in Chile, I did well, and we won the tournament. The big clubs watch these competitions, and I decided to go to Germany.