Only Kobe? NO! Goat Michael Jordan reveals the players that could beat him 1-on-1

This statement is different to when he said only Kobe Bryant could beat him

Michael Jordan, surely the greatest of all time (GOAT) in basketball, was notorious for his unwavering belief that no other player could outmatch him in a one-on-one duel. His competitive nature extended beyond the basketball court; he despised losing in any form, whether it was a simple game of pool or a round of golf.

Michael Jordan’s Candid Revelation: The Only Player He Feared in a One-on-One Matchup

Over the years, Jordan was frequently asked who, if anyone, could beat him in a one-on-one game. His typical response was that only Kobe Bryant might have a chance, crediting Kobe’s success to having studied and mimicked his moves.

However, recently unearthed footage from his playing days with the Chicago Bulls has surfaced, offering a more candid and surprising answer from Jordan himself. This old clip, now making waves online, reveals a rare moment of honesty from the basketball icon, shedding new light on his true thoughts about his competition.

Who could actually beat Michael Jordan one-on-one

Contrary to what many might assume, Michael Jordan didnโ€™t believe that any of the top 10 NBA players of all time could defeat him in a one-on-one matchup. However, there was a particular type of player that consistently gave Jordan trouble on the courtโ€”a challenge that wasn’t necessarily about individual greatness but rather about the technical aspects of the game.

One or two names might come to mind, especially among the greatest NBA players who never managed to win a championship ring. These players, despite not having the ultimate team success, possessed the unique abilities that could give even Michael Jordan a hard time in a one-on-one battle.

Michael Jordan’s Revelation: The Players Who Could Challenge Him One-on-One

In a candid moment captured in a video from JumpmanHistory, Michael Jordan revealed the type of player who could give him the most trouble in a one-on-one matchup. Surprisingly, it wasnโ€™t the towering giants of the game or the most celebrated stars that posed the biggest challenge for him. Instead, Jordan pointed to the smaller, quicker guards who could exploit his weaknesses.

Jordan specifically mentioned names like Allen Iverson, Damon Stoudamire, Rod Strickland, and Muggsy Bogues as players who were particularly tough for him to handle.

โ€œThe hardest opponent for me to play against? In terms of 1-on-1? Small guys,โ€ Jordan admitted. He elaborated on how these players’ speed and agility made it difficult for him to keep up, adding, โ€œHeโ€™s so quick and small. But itโ€™s a challenge. I wonโ€™t back away.โ€

Jordan also reflected on other players like John Starks, acknowledging that while Starks could beat him on the perimeter, Jordan felt confident he could dominate in the post. This insight offers a rare glimpse into the mind of a basketball legend, highlighting how even the greatest players have their challenges on the court.