No whistles, No problem! Lukaku is headed for trouble. Inter fans get creative with a new solution

It’s called “Whistle,” and it’s an application that can be downloaded for free. It reproduces a sound similar to that of a whistle, although the sound effect is not as loud.

The idea is taking a form and it is being advertised on some forums for Inter Milan fans and on social media.

The 30,000 whistles purchased, to give Lukaku a ‘horror welcome’ were later banned, and a fine will be imposed on those identified using them inside San Siro.

On their Instagram page, the Curva Nord, denounced stating the following: “yet another abuse… The law is not the same for everyone”.

Inter fans are still preparing an unfriendly welcome for Lukaku with some ready to risk afine and use them anyway. It remains to be seen whether the whistles will be distributed along with the ultras’ fanzine.

Meanwhile, on social media, many fans are organizing themselves using an app called Whistle, which reproduces the sound of various whistles.

The sound is not as sharp as that of a real whistle, but the noise is still significant, especially if this app were to be downloaded and used by thousands of people all at once. All you need is a sufficiently charged phone battery…

In one way or another ‘Big Rom’ is heading for a difficult night at the ‘San Siro’, but scoring a goal, or Roma win can change everything and make his night different. Let’s wait and see.