Mourinho enters the scene with a phone call to convince Lukaku: Here’s what he had to say.

It’s not just Tiago Pinto negotiating with the Belgian striker and Chelsea; the Special One is doing his part.

While the capital city is going crazy at the idea that Romelu Lukaku could become a Roma player, Mourinho is also stepping onto the field for his team and the Giallorossi fans.

According to ‘Corriere dello Sport’ The Special One has made a phone call directly to ‘Big Rom’ trying to convince him to take on this adventure, at the same time explaining to him how important he would be for the squad on and off the field.

There is openness on Lukaku’s part: the transfer (the loan option will cost Roma somewhere between 8 and 9 million) to the shadow of the Colosseum seems to be to his liking.

There’s still no certainty that Romelu will become Roma’s new number 9, but Tiago Pinto and Mourinho are doing everything they can with Chelsea from Trigoria to give the team and the Romanisti fans the striker they’ve been longing for.