Little Johnny’s Innocent Question Turns into a Dramatic Revelation

One day, little Johnny asked his father a question that caught everyone off guard. “Dad, why do grown-ups like to exercise in bed?” he inquired with genuine curiosity. His mother, busy cooking dinner, overheard Johnny’s question and decided to listen closely to her husband’s response.

Johnny’s father, trying to handle the situation delicately, replied, “Because it makes grown-ups happy, Johnny.” Not fully satisfied, Johnny eagerly said, “I want to be happy too!” His father, maintaining a calm demeanor, advised, “You’ll have to wait until you’re grown up.”

“But who will exercise with me then?” Johnny wondered. “Hopefully, when you’re married, your wife will,” replied his father. Johnny, puzzled, then asked,

“But Dad, why does our neighbor Sally exercise with you?” At that moment, his wife stormed out of the kitchen, and ten minutes later, an ambulance arrived.