Little boy faces bullying after surviving injuries from a horrendous dog attack

Little Ryder Wells, only five years old, has faced unimaginable horrors that most people never encounter in a lifetime. Despite the odds, this brave youngster from North Carolina survived a vicious attack by two rottweilers while visiting family for Thanksgiving in 2015. At just 21 months old during the incident, he endured the loss of half his face, crushed teeth, a broken arm, and a punctured lung, necessitating approximately 50 surgeries since then.

His family initially feared he wouldn’t survive, but Ryder’s resilience and determination saw him through. However, instead of receiving admiration for his remarkable survival, this innocent child now faces cruel remarks from both children and adults. Even at school, where one would expect empathy and support, Ryder encounters stares and hurtful comments.

Brittany, Ryder’s mother, shared heartbreaking incidents where people, including children, pointed, screamed “monster,” or shouted derogatory remarks like “ew” when seeing Ryder’s face. Despite these challenges, Ryder refuses to be held back, embodying incredible strength and spirit every day.

Describing Ryder’s survival as nothing short of a miracle, doctors initially had little hope for his recovery. Yet, he defied expectations, showcasing his remarkable resilience and fighting spirit. However, Brittany, aged 31 and from Granite Falls, now worries about Ryder’s upcoming school years, fearing further bullying and unkind treatment.

Despite wearing glasses and a cap to hide his scars, Ryder’s mother instills in him a sense of self-worth and beauty, emphasizing that being different is beautiful. She advocates for raising awareness about the damaging effects of bullying, particularly towards individuals with facial disfigurements like Ryder. Through Ryder’s story, she hopes to inspire compassion and empathy, encouraging people to think twice about how they treat those who may appear different.