‘Lippi made me who I am.’ Do you want to coach in Italy? Hear Zidane’s ‘unexpected’ answer

In Rome for the presentation of the documentary “Now I Win” about Marcello Lippi Zidane: “I would like to sit on the bench again.”

It’s the day of the release of the biographical documentary about Marcello Lippi titled “Now I Win,” and many of his former players have arrived in Rome to attend the event. Starting with Zinedine Zidane, who pays tribute to his former coach at Juventus:

He was my coach, and above all, he brought me to Juve,” Zidane says to Sky microphones. “He was the first one to believe in me and give me a chance to play, which wasn’t easy for him. So, for me, he wasn’t just my coach but he is also the one who made me who I am and was on the field.”

Zidane also talked about a possible future in Italy: “A future in Italy, why not? Anything can happen. Right now, I’m focused on other things, but of course, I would like to be on the bench again.”

Among the guests of the evening is Igor Tudor, also tied to Lippi by a relationship of mutual respect: “He has always been serious in his work, fair in his choices. There is a lot of him in my coaching style.”