Lautaro continues to struggle from the white spot: 7 penalties missed out of 20 attempts.

The Inter captain has once again failed from the penalty spot, confirming his difficulties from the white spot.

Lautaro Martinez, penalty kicks, and a connection that continues to falter: the Inter captain was mesmerized by Ravaglia during the Coppa Italia match against Bologna, confirming that he is far from infallible from the penalty spot. Yesterday’s miss marks the 7th error for the Nerazzurri striker out of 20 attempts from the spot—a scoring percentage of 65%, significantly below what one would expect from a striking specialist.

Tonight’s penalty is the first one missed by the Argentine this season. The first miss occurred on October 23, 2019, against Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League. A few months later, on July 5, 2020, he missed again in the league, that time against Bologna. The 2021/22 season was particularly challenging: 3 errors, all in Serie A, against Milan, Cagliari, and Udinese. In March, Dragowski blocked Toro’s attempt, leading to Inter’s defeat against Spezia.