Las Vegas Mother forgives her son’s killer in court and took away the death penalty

A profound story of forgiveness and faith has emerged from the heartbreak of Cynthia Portaro, a mother who faced her son’s killer in court with an unexpected decision that left many stunned.

As she prepared to confront the individual responsible for her son’s tragic death, Cynthia was guided by what she described as a divine voice. “It was the morning of the sentencing,” she recounted in an exclusive interview. “I felt compelled to forgive him. It was a challenging moment, but I felt a calling to obedience.”

In a move that defied expectations, Cynthia took a bold step. “Then I heard, โ€˜Take away the death penalty,โ€™” she revealed. “I was taken aback, unsure if I could comply. But that voice urged me, โ€˜Go and do it.โ€™”

Cynthia’s journey is part of Oxygen’s gripping true-crime series “Sin City Murders,” which delves into haunting homicide cases that have left an indelible mark on Las Vegas.

Reflecting on the loss of her son, Michael “Mikey” Portaro, Cynthia shared cherished memories of his vibrant spirit. “He was beloved by everyone,” she tearfully recalled. “Funny, kind-hearted, and fiercely protective of others. He had a passion for music, a bright future ahead of him.”

The tragic event unfolded in 2011 when Michael, a promising hip-hop artist, was fatally shot outside a local pub at the age of 22. Despite the devastation, Cynthia’s faith became her anchor. “My faith has sustained me,” she affirmed. “It’s a source of strength and humility.”

The circumstances surrounding Michael’s death were deeply distressing. “Thereโ€™s not a person in this town that didnโ€™t like or love my son,” Cynthia emphasized. “He was an exceptional young man, respected by all.”

The search for justice led to a breakthrough when a suspect, Brandon J. Hill, emerged. A $30,000 reward offered by the Portaro family played a crucial role in bringing Hill to law enforcement’s attention.

As details unraveled, Hill’s involvement became apparent. Ballistic evidence linked his weapon to the fatal shots fired at Michael. Despite denials, the evidence spoke volumes.