Kendrick Perkins calls LeBron James ‘soft & sensitive’ after the ‘King’ unfollowed him on social media

The former NBA champion doesn’t hold back on First Take, and doubles down on accusing LeBron of trying to steal the spotlight

Kendrick Perkins escalated his ongoing feud with LeBron James during a fiery segment on ESPN’s First Take this Monday. While the NBA Finals usually take center stage, Perkins ensured that his dispute with the Los Angeles Lakers star grabbed the spotlight.

Recently, Perkins has been vocal about LeBron’s behavior, accusing him of seeking attention during the NBA Finals. He criticized James for overshadowing the playoff excitement and labeled the four-time MVP as “sensitive” for how he handled criticism. The controversy didn’t end there.

On Monday morning, ESPN dedicated a full ten-minute segment to the Perkins vs. LeBron feud, much to the delight of fans who enjoy the drama. Perkins criticized LeBron’s recent praise of his former teammate Kyrie Irving, which came just before Game 1 of the NBA Finals between the Dallas Mavericks and Boston Celtics.

On the Mind The Game podcast, LeBron expressed his mixed emotions, saying, “I’m so f-ing happy and proud to watch [Kyrie] continue his growth, and at the same time, I’m so f-ing mad that I’m not his running mate anymore.”

Perkins calls out LeBron: “Dude, not everything is about you!”

Many viewed LeBron’s comments as one star celebrating another’s success, but Kendrick Perkins saw it differently. He launched into a tirade, accusing James of making everything about himself once again. “Here we go again, [LeBron James] inserting himself into someone else’s moment,” Perkins fumed. “This isn’t about you! Your team is at home.”

The drama escalated when LeBron unfollowed Perkins on social media after the backlash. ESPN quickly provided Perkins with a platform to express his frustrations further. Perkins didn’t hold back, using his characteristic bravado to taunt James.

“Imagine unfollowing me on Twitter, but you still have to see me on TV every day,” Perkins quipped. “I’m not going anywhere… I think LeBron James got sensitive over the last few weeks because I’ve been calling him out on things he might not agree with.”

Perkins went on to challenge James directly, saying, “You have my phone number. If you had a problem with anything I said, we could’ve picked up the phone and had a conversation.” Whether LeBron will respond to Perkins’ latest provocations remains to be seen. This feud adds another layer of off-court drama that continues to captivate NBA fans.