Julia Roberts gets bullied online after posting a photo with her niece on instagram

Julia Roberts, now 56, recently faced harsh criticism from fans. In a candid home photo shared with her niece, she appeared without makeup, styling, or Photoshop. Unfortunately, this raw and natural look drew negative comparisons from some internet users.

“And the number of people who felt absolutely required to talk about how terrible I looked in the pictureโ€”that Iโ€™m not aging well, that I look like a man, why would she even post a picture like this when I look that terrible!โ€ she continued.

โ€œAnd I was amazed at how that made me feel. Iโ€™m a 50-year-old woman and I know who I am, and still my feelings got hurt. I was sad that people couldnโ€™t see the point of it, the sweetness of it, the absolute shining joy of that photo. I thought, โ€˜What if I was 15?โ€™โ€


Some fans came to her defense, celebrating her natural beauty and criticizing the harsh comments. “She’s a beautiful woman,” one user wrote. “Donโ€™t pay attention to anyone. People are unused to natural beauty without plastic surgery and Photoshop.” Another added, “I love her natural beauty. You look stunning. Ignore the envy from those whose lives havenโ€™t turned out well.”

The incident highlights the broader issue of how the anonymity and reach of the internet allow for widespread negative commentary. Julia’s experience serves as a reminder that freedom of expression should not equate to tolerance for harmful speech.