Joke of the day: the secret to a couple’s long lasting marriage

Once upon a time, a married couple celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. They had become famous in the city for not having a single conflict in their 25 years together. Local newspaper editors gathered at the occasion to find out the secret of their well-known “happy marriage.”

One of the editors asked the husband, “Sir, it’s unbelievably amazing! How did you make this possible?”

The husband, recalling their honeymoon days, said, “Well, we went to Fiji for our honeymoon. We decided to go horse riding, and we both started the ride on different horses. My horse was fine, but the horse my wife was riding seemed to be a bit crazy.

“Along the way, her horse suddenly jumped, causing my wife to topple over. She got up, patted the horse’s back, and said, ‘This is your first time.’ A little later, the horse threw her off again. She remained calm and said, ‘This is your second time.’ When the horse dropped her a third time, she silently took out a revolver and shot the horse dead.

“I shouted at my wife, ‘What did you do, you psycho!? You killed the poor animal! Are you crazy?’

“She gave me a silent look and said, ‘This is your first time.’

“Thatโ€™s it. Weโ€™ve been happy ever since.”