Joke of the day: old man walks into a jewelry store

An old white-haired man walked into a luxurious jewelry store with a beautiful young lady by his side. They browsed the store before asking the jeweller to assist them in finding a ring. The jeweller felt a pang of sympathy, thinking the old man was being taken advantage of.

The older man asked to see the nicest rings they had. The jeweler first brought out a $5,000 ring. The young lady looked excited, but the older man remained unimpressed.

“You don’t seem to understand. I want something extraordinary,” he said. Surprised, the jeweler brought out a $40,000 diamond ring.

“This gorgeous ring is $40,000,” he said, handing it over. The young lady trembled with excitement. Seeing her reaction, the older man decided to buy it.

When asked how he would pay, the older man said he would write a check. He assured the jeweler he knew the protocol for paying by check.

“I know you need to verify the funds, so I’ll hand it to you now, and you can call the bank on Monday. I’ll pick up the ring afterward,” he said, leaving with the young lady clinging to his arm.

On Monday morning, an irritated jeweler called the older man, informing him there was no money in his bank account. The old man laughed and replied, “I know… but can you imagine the weekend I had?”