Joke of the day: husband refuses to quit the pub

Ever heard the one about the guy who just couldn’t resist a night out with the boys, despite his wifeโ€™s stern warning? Check-out this joke of the day:

A man who drank a lot was given an ultimatum by his wife: “If you ever come home drunk again, I will leave you.”

One night, he goes to the pub with his mates and has a few too many drinks. He ends up throwing up all over himself. Panicked, he tells his friend about his wife’s threat.

His friend suggests a solution: “Take a $20 bill and put it in your shirt pocket. When you get home, tell your wife that someone else threw up on you and gave you the money for the dry cleaning bill.”

Feeling reassured, the man goes home. His wife, seeing the mess, is about to leave. Quickly, he pulls out the $20 bill and explains, “Someone at the pub threw up on me and gave me this $20 for the dry cleaning.”

His wife looks at him suspiciously and asks, “Then why do you have another $20 in your other pocket?”

He replies, “Oh, that’s from the guy who crapped in my pants.”