INCREDIBLE: Tonalli admits to have betted on AC Milan. Now he risks being out for a year or more

The midfielder was questioned by the public prosecutor and admitted: He gave up names of those who managed the betting system.

Sandro Tonali is repentant and has already started to contribute to the investigations into the betting case. He stated this yesterday at the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Turin during an interrogation that lasted nearly three hours. Giuseppe Chiné met with him at a secret location, and he shared his complete truth.

The former Milan player has thus voluntarily reported himself to the sports justice body, and he has certainly admitted to betting on football. Otherwise, according to the Sports Justice Code, there would be no violation. However, he would have also confessed to placing bets on Milan, and this is a different and much more delicate matter.


Betting on one’s own team is particularly risky because it could constitute a crime of sporting misconduct. The article in the code that regulates it, is clear and speaks of “the banning of the player, by any means, of acts aimed at altering the course or outcome of a match or competition.”

From what has emerged, it may not be the case with Tonali. The player, now at Newcastle, would have bet on Milan to win or on other outcomes where he was not involved. In other words, his bets would not have influenced his performance on the field, so there would be no sporting misconduct.

At the moment, the violation attributed to Tonali remains within the scope of Article 24 of the Sports Justice Code, which punishes players who bet on football (minimum penalty of three years). Still, it is evident that betting on Milan would be an aggravating factor.


The midfielder would like to follow the path taken by Fagioli, with a swift plea deal (, but there are differences. The first is that if the bets on Milan were confirmed, the initial sanction by the Prosecutor would necessarily be higher than three years. Presumably, it could be three and a half or four years, automatically halved with a pre-referral plea deal, given that the player has already shown a cooperative attitude.

Speculating on the final penalty is difficult at this stage, but it could be around 12 months of suspension from playing and 6 months of alternative prescriptions, similar to what happened with Fagioli since Tonali has also admitted to suffering from ludopathy.