‘I’m so grateful to surrender myself to Christ’: Famous Hollywood Actor Gets Baptized

British actor and comedian Russell Brand recently revealed his baptism in the River Thames through a social media post, marking a significant moment in his personal journey of faith.

The baptism comes at a time when Brand faces intense public scrutiny. A joint investigation by The Times, The Sunday Times, and Channel 4’s Dispatches has brought to light allegations from four women accusing him of rape, sexual assault, and emotional abuse. Brand has denied these allegations and has been interviewed twice by the Metropolitan Police under caution regarding “non-recent” sexual offenses.

Despite these challenges, Brand spoke about the profound impact his baptism has had on him, especially in facing the daily struggles of life, including his roles as a parent and a professional. He described feeling a “new resource” within himself that seemed to activate following the ceremony.

Something occurred in the process of baptism that was incredible and overwhelming,” Brand shared. “Now, although it’s been less than 24 hours since then, I’ve already felt less irritation. I have three children, a job, and challenges— I still live in the world. But I feel as if some new resource within me has switched on.”

The baptism ceremony, which was attended by several notable individuals, occurred at a Church of England church that prefers to remain unnamed, according to Premier Christian News. Brand recounted experiencing “incredible and bizarre incidents” during the event that felt “serendipitous and laden” with meaning.

In his heartfelt message, Brand expressed his gratitude towards those who have supported him, emphasizing his newfound sense of peace and resilience. “This is new to me, and it’s a joy to me,” he said. “I know I’m not expected to be perfect, and that’s not something I’ll be able to deliver.”

He concluded his message with a note of thanks and a declaration of his commitment to his faith: “Those of you that have embraced me, I’m so grateful. I can’t tell you how happy I feel and how relieved I feel. My resources are coming from somewhere else and someone else now. Thank you so much for your support. I love you so much. I’m so grateful to be surrendered in Christ. See you all soon.”