Heartbreaks for Harry, his family in England destroys him ‘BANNED FROM THE ROYAL FAMILY’

Brotherly rivalry appears to have gotten worse rather than show any shoots of promise

Recent reports indicate that the once-close relationship between Prince William and Prince Harry continues to deteriorate.

Despite their shared closeness in their younger years, Prince Harry’s continued absence from royal duties in the United States has led to Prince William reportedly BANNING HIM from any return to the royal family, as per insider sources.

This decision underscores Prince William’s emerging role as a firm figure within the family, now taking on responsibilities reminiscent of those previously held by the late Prince Philip.

Despite facing personal challenges, such as his wife Princess Kate undergoing cancer treatment, Prince William appears resolute in his stance regarding his younger brother’s role within the royal fold.

Why is Prince William taking over as the family disciplinarian?

Recent reports suggest that Prince William has assumed a more authoritative role within the royal family, drawing comparisons to his late grandfather, Prince Philip.

According to sources familiar with the situation, William’s firm approach has been highlighted following a recent YouGov poll on popular male royals. Described as ruling “with a rod of iron,” William’s strict demeanor is seen as a reflection of his growing responsibilities within the family structure.

This shift includes his handling of the ongoing rift with his younger brother, Prince Harry, whom William has reportedly barred from any return to royal duties or the United Kingdom. Despite personal challenges, such as his wife Princess Kate’s battle with cancer, William appears steadfast in his decisions regarding family discipline.

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