Federico Gatti: ‘I used to be a bricklayer and windows installer. Now, I want to play the EURO 2024’

The Juventus defender: ‘I used to work as a window installer and loaded crates at the market; now, I dream of playing for the National Team at the EURO in the summer.’

In the match against Napoli, Federico Gatti scored his 5th goal in the first 40 appearances with Juventus, and reflecting on the journey to reach these levels he said: ‘I used to load crates of fruits and vegetables at the market; I worked as a window installer and even as a bricklayer, handling roofing jobs. Now, my goal is to secure a spot in the National Team for the summer and win something with Juve.’

The defender began his career across Piedmont, including stints in the youth teams of Torino. He then sought opportunities with various clubs like Pavarolo, Saluzzo, Verbania, and Pro Patria. The turning point came in 2021 with a call from Frosinone, leading to promotion with the team, and the following year, he joined Juventus.

“Yesterday (at the Stadium), my parents and my girlfriend were there,” the defender shared with Rai. “They were overjoyed; the emotion was almost greater for them than for me.”