De Laurentiis: “Garcia? I should have fired him on the day of the presentation. I made a big mistake”

Napoli’s president has spoken again about the dismissal of the French coach, who was later on replaced by Mazzarri.

Aurelio De Laurentiis was straight when revisiting Rudi Garcia’s dismissal: “When did I realize I had to fire him? The day I introduced him at the press-conference,” responded the Napoli president in an interview with Corriere dello Sport.

De Laurentiis explained, “I should have just fired him at the spot and said I introduced him to you, but now he’s leaving.’ Because someone who arrives at a club that has just won the Scudetto and says, ‘I don’t know this team very well, I’ve never seen a match…’ I should have known better then. Instead, laughed it off.”

“The fact is, he repeated that several times, and I didn’t do nothing. It would have been enough for him to adopt the same style of play as Spalletti. Instead, he tried to invent something new and insisted that I dismiss a perfect fitness coach (Sinatti) to bring in someone who I had been warned: “this guy disrupts the players.” I made a huge mistake with Garcia.”