Dairy Queen Sparks Debate with an outdoor Sign. The owner refuses to apologize for it

A Dairy Queen in the quaint town of Kewaskum, Wisconsin, has recently gained widespread attention online. The reason? A sign prominently displayed in its front window declaring the restaurantโ€™s commitment to โ€œpolitical incorrectness.โ€

The sign is a vibrant celebration of various holiday greetings such as โ€œMerry Christmas,โ€ โ€œHappy Easter,โ€ and โ€œGod Bless America.โ€ Itโ€™s an effort by the restaurant to uphold the traditions cherished by many in the local community. Along with spreading holiday cheer, the sign also honors veterans, offering them complimentary sundaes and expressing gratitude for their service.

Kevin Scheunemann, the owner, explained that the sign was put up nearly four years ago in response to a customerโ€™s complaint about Christian music being played in the restaurant. He wanted to be clear about their dedication to serving God and the country. Since then, the sign has not caused any significant issues.

Recently, a tourist from Oregon posted a picture of the sign on Facebook, raising concerns about its perceived exclusivity. The post gained a lot of attention before being taken down. While some people support the message, others have voiced their objections. Local business owners, however, defend Scheunemannโ€™s decision, asserting that customers are free to leave if they disagree with the restaurantโ€™s principles.

Dairy Queen, as a company, has clarified that Scheunemannโ€™s approach is not officially endorsed by them. In their statement, they emphasized that all franchisees and staff members must treat customers with respect and decency, regardless of their religious beliefs.

The residents of Kewaskum see the sign as a reflection of the ownerโ€™s beliefs and accept it. Whether one agrees with the message or not, itโ€™s a reminder that different traditions and beliefs contribute to the diversity and vibrancy of a community. We have zero problems with the sign

2 thoughts on “Dairy Queen Sparks Debate with an outdoor Sign. The owner refuses to apologize for it

  1. leave the sign alone,you came to this country learn to live with our beliefs as much as we are expected to respect yours. stop all the hatred

  2. Leave the sign alone it is right I believe in the same thing and most people feel the same as this.

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