Catherine Zeta-Jones And Michael Douglas daughter is all grown up? How does the 21 year old look today?

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas recently marked a special family milestoneโ€”the 21st birthday of their daughter, Carey.

The occasion was celebrated with heartfelt posts on Instagram by both parents, who shared their joy and pride in their daughter’s journey into adulthood.

At 54, Catherine Zeta-Jones took a nostalgic route by posting cherished throwback photos, capturing tender moments with Carey as a newborn.

Her message reflected deep gratitude for the happiness Carey has brought into her life, praising Carey’s evolution into a remarkable young woman. Catherine expressed profound appreciation for the privilege of motherhood and the joy of being Careyโ€™s mother.

Meanwhile, Michael Douglas, at 79, opted to share a more recent photograph of himself with Carey. His post celebrated the light and joy Carey has brought not only into his personal life but to others around her as well. His words conveyed a strong sense of pride and happiness on this significant birthday.

Both parents beautifully articulated their love and admiration for Carey, making her 21st birthday a memorable celebration of her life and their family’s bond.