Calhanoglu takes a jibe at Lukaku when asked about Inter-Roma. “We are at the top of the table”

The Turkish star who scored the penalty for the 2-1 goal against Salzburg, “Romelu’s return? Everyone makes their own choices, we just want to stay at the top of the table.”

A Champions League victory that also bears his name and allows Inter to continue its golden moment. Hakan Calhanoglu converted the penalty for the final 2-1 score against Salzburg and was awarded ‘the man of the match award’. He said, “It wasn’t easy, and we knew it. They are young, run a lot, and have enthusiasm. Winning was important; we’re in the first place. Now we have two away matches, and it won’t be easy.”

Calhanoglu’s jab at Lukaku before Inter-Roma.

When asked about the upcoming home match against Lukaku’s Roma, Calhanoglu made a somewhat indirect comment, saying, “His return to San Siro? I don’t want to comment because everyone makes their own choices. We need to focus on our work. We are at the top of the table, and that’s where we want to stay.”