Bennacer: ‘I don’t understand Calhanoglu. No money in the world can make me go to Inter’

The Algerian midfielder said, “Inter can offer me whatever they want, but I will never sign for them.”

Ismael Bennacer is getting closer to returning, after the long injury suffered in the first leg of the Champions League semifinal last season against Inter. The Milan midfielder, in a lengthy interview, spoke about the Nerazzurri:

Inter could offer me whatever they want, I will never go there; I respect Milan and the fans too much to do that. I’m not saying I’ll stay here for my entire career, but I will definitely never go to Inter.” Bennacer also commented on Calhanoglu’s choice: “He wanted to stay at Milan, then I don’t know what happened; they must not have reached an agreement. I respect him, but when I read that he was going to Inter, I thought: he can’t have done that. We are friends, but on the field, there are no friends, especially in a derby.”

Speaking on Instant Foot‘s YouTube channel, Bennacer reflected on Milan’s difficulties in recent derbies against Inter: “It’s all water under the bridge now, it’s the past. Sometimes we were more tired, maybe they are stronger in some aspects.”

Finally, on his move to Milan in 2019: “I never looked at the contract, never. Only the sporting project. I remember that before the Africa Cup final, Massara (former Milan director, ed.) called me speaking in French. I told him, ‘I will win the cup and come.’ It was the right project for me after the relegation with Empoli, with whom we deserved much more.”