BACK TO THE FUTURE: Inter-Milan-Juve Summit: Reducing the Serie A from 20 to 18 teams on the table

On one side, tension rises with the FIGC regarding autonomy, on the other, the three big teams of the league form a united front to bid farewell to the 20 teams.

As the extraordinary assembly on March 11 approaches, convened by Gravina to continue on the path of reforms, Serie A raises its voice and demands more autonomy similar to the Premier League model. “We discussed about updating our rules with the changes to be made in Italian football. We realized that the federal system and the position that Serie A holds right now it are not suitable for achieving the set objectives,” explained President Casini. “We need greater autonomy and decision-making capacity.”

This request, bluntly put forward, serves as a strong and clear warning to the FIGC on one hand, and opens up new scenarios for the need to make changes to the system. In particular, Inter, Milan, and Juventus are reportedly working to propose reducing the number of teams in Serie A from 20 to 18 at the Assembly on February 26.

This measure is deemed necessary by the executives of the three major clubs, who, according to Corriere dello Sport, met on Monday at Inter’s offices to discuss the hottest topics on the agenda, seeking feasible solutions to reduce the number of matches in a calendar that will be even busier from next season with the new FIFA and UEFA competitions. “What sets the Premier League apart from us is an organizational model with greater decision-making autonomy on many aspects, linked to its economic weight,” reiterated Casini.

Indeed, the latest moves by Inter, Milan, and Juventus seem to be aimed in this direction regarding the Serie A format with 18 teams. A united and solid front the 3 teams will try to bring a change on an issue that is complicated to be approved in the short term, considering the opposition from medium and small clubs. Currently, Serie A’s priority remains autonomy, and reducing the number of clubs in Serie A should be seriously addressed only in a later stage, with more freedom in strategic decision-making for the future.