‘Super start’ for Marcus Thuram: only two have done better in the last 20 years with Inter.”
After refusing PSG and AC Milan this summer, Marcus Thuram is really enjoying his life with Inter Milan “Among the…
After refusing PSG and AC Milan this summer, Marcus Thuram is really enjoying his life with Inter Milan “Among the…
Charles De Ketelaere was one of the main protagonists in Atalanta’s victory against Rakow in the Europa League. The Belgian…
Roma forward is no longer part of the roster of players managed by the renowned company founded by Jay-Z. The…
The analysis of the Giallorossi coach after the victory the against Sheriff: “It’s always like this with Renato Sanchez, noboddy…
The analysis of the Giallorossi coach after the victory the against Sheriff: “The first half was poor; we scored miraculously…
ChatGPT has compiled the all-time best lineup: here are the eleven players chosen. Artificial intelligence selects the all-time best eleven….
The Europa League debut arrives in Moldova, and the Giallorossi coach returns to taunt: “Suspended? Maybe I won’t be able…
Napoli’s coach after the win: “The spirit was good; unfortunately, we weren’t able to secure the win earlier. We had…
Yann Sommer is Inter’s hero after the draw with Real Sociedad away in the first game of this year’s Champions…
The images of the former Inter goalkeeper’s error leading to the first goal scored by Sanรฉ. Andre Onana‘s adventure at…