Meghan Markle’s Instagram comeback spoiled by a new scandal related to her followers, research reveals

Meghan Markle’s reentry onto Instagram to endorse her new lifestyle venture, American Riviera Orchard, has garnered substantial attention. But a scandal is appearing, as the recent studies suggest a significant portion of Meghan’s followers may not be genuine, with many identified as “fake” or “bot” accounts.

Meghan Markle’s return to Instagram for her new brand, American Riviera Orchard, has attracted attention. However, research suggests that many of her followers are not genuine, with a significant percentage being identified as fake or bot accounts.

PR expert Stacey Wong from Own Your Space highlighted that over half a million accounts follow American Riviera Orchard on Instagram, showcasing Meghan’s strong personal brand but also revealing a concerning presence of fake followers.

Wong emphasized the challenge of managing digital brands with a 13.77 percent fake follower rate and noted the threats posed by suspicious mass followers and likely bots. She stressed that fake followers undermine authenticity and trust, impacting Meghan’s credibility and communication with her genuine audience.

Despite these challenges, Wong sees potential in Meghan’s predominantly female audience aged 25-34 on Instagram, suggesting opportunities for tailored marketing strategies.

This research underscores the importance of authenticity and genuine engagement in digital brand management, especially for high-profile figures like Meghan Markle, in combating the ongoing issue of inauthentic engagement on social media platforms.