Racist chants against Maignan. The goalkeeper leaves the field. Match suspended for 5 minutes.

At the half-hour mark of the first half, Maresca interrupts the match due to chants and howls coming from the Udinese supporters’ section. Milan commented immediateluy on social media

An shameful incident marred the Udinese vs. Milan match. Racist chants and insults targeting Mike Maignan originated from the home fans’ section, prompting the referee to suspend the game for five minutes.


The first sign came at the 26th minute of the first half when Maignan alerted referee Maresca to the issue. At the 30th minute, the stadium announcer issued the initial warning. By the 33rd minute, Maresca stoped the match, and Maignan left the field, followed by his teammates and Pioli.

After a 5-minute pause, the game resumed at the 38th minute. Three mandatory announcements, as per federation regulations, were made over the stadium speakers during the first half. Milan took a stance during halftime with a post on social media: “There is absolutely no place for racism in our game. We are appalled.”