IT WILL HAPPEN! Ibrahimovic to return to Milan. The latest indication that brings him back to ‘San Siro’

As his playing days are over, Ibrahimovic is considering his future with a different role. But one thing seems certain, his future is stil ‘Rossonerro’

After the Club’s Shareholders’ Assembly, AC Milan’s President, Paolo Scaroni, addressed various topics among which it was Zlatan’s future with the club:

“Ibrahimovic has rightly taken a long pause for reflection and consideration. He wants carefully to decide his professional future; he must figure out where he wants to live with his family as well. When he has made his decision, we will be happy to discuss it with him.”

“There have been meetings, but the question of where we stand should be directed to him. As of today, our door is open, and we have shown great willingness. It’s up to him to decide what he wants to do when he grows up,” he concluded.

multiple reports from Italy say that Ibrahimovic wants to continue his relationship with Milan in a new managerial position. The club has left the door open for him to choose from various new positions; he could serve as the President’s adviser, become the club’s ambassador, or perhaps take on an even more advanced role.

One thing is for sure, Ibra’s story with Milan is not over, it’s now more about when and in what role than if he will come back.