Conte: “I want a winning team. I am learning to get better. When I come back it will be tough for the others”

The coach isn’t thinking about returning to the sidelines just yet: ‘After my time at Tottenham, I had promised myself to spend more time with my family and with myself.’

Conte plays only for the Conte family. His team is his family, his wife Elisabetta and his daughter Vittoria, ‘who is already sixteen and has become a young lady,’ he proudly says as a father:

In an interview with Sky Sport he said: ‘After my time at Tottenham, I had promised myself to spend more time with my family and with myself. I use this time to study, to be even more prepared when I return to excellence levels. And when I come back, it will be tough for the others.

When asked about winning. “When they ask me what winning is, I say it’s winning is winning, and that’s it. To win, you must stay together, the management, the staff, the players, and everyone who works at the club everyone. Everyone has to be united. And next I want to coach a winning team.”

Conte then described what a coach is.? “The coach is a tailor. Based on the fabric you have, you have to make the best possible suit. I’ll give you an example: at Bari, I won two championships playing with a 4-2-4 formation, it seemed like the best system to me. But when I switched to a back three, I had Chiellini, Barzagli, and Bonucci. You must always adapt”

“A good coach grows through defeats. “Once with Chelsea, I was losing 3-0 against Arsenal at halftime, and I was truly devastated. So I changed the formation, and it was the turning point: at the end of the season, we won the league. When you leave, try to leave the jersey in better condition than when you found it; that’s what I try to do.”

Conte’s winning career is summed up in this phrase: ‘Those who win write history, others read it.’ He has written it several times, between Italy and England, and who knows where in the future.