Tonali: “I never asked to leave Milan, I am still a big fan. Huge emotions for the game”

The Newcastle midfielder, awaited for his return at the Meazza, has talked about the deal that saw him leave Milan this summer: ‘I didn’t just wake up one morning and ask to go to another club’

Playing against your ex and favorite team, returning at the old stadium amid a thousand emotions. That’s what Sandro Tonali will face on Tuesday night at the Meazza during Milan-Newcastle.

The returning midfielder said: ‘It will be the greatest emotion, ‘Playing against the team you support is tough.’ Then, in the press conference, he couldn’t avoid revisiting the summer transfer to the Premier League saying: ‘I didn’t just wake up one morning and ask for Newcastle. The deal closed in ten days; it happend all very fast anyway.’

How did the transfer to the Premier League happen?

“The transition was really tough; I had a hard time adapting. But some people made my life easier. On the field, everything changes too because you don’t feel that same connection as when you know all your teammates and the language. But everyone has been supportive.”

What emotions are you feeling now?

“These are challenging emotions because Milan is the team I support and the one that helped me grow up as a man and a player. But tomorrow will be different, and I won’t have any problems managing myself. Seeing the stadium full will be the strongest emotion because it is the stadium that has given me such a bi support.

What kind of game are you expecting?

“I expect an intense match; both teams will be looking to win so… It will be a difficult and highly competitive game for both sides.”

What happened this summer when you left?

“I was at the Euros with the U21 team, completely focused only on the field. It all happened very fast. Fortunately, I found people who love to work and love Newcastle.”

What did you talk about with Pioli?

“For the first time in three years, we didn’t talk about football but about my girlfriend and friends.”

What did you do on your first night in Newcastle?

“I asked what to do in Newcastle with my family and didn’t get the answers I wanted. So, I went to a pub, which is unusual for me.”

If it had been up to you, would you have stayed at Milan?

“I don’t think players make any specific requests nowadays. I gave a lot to Milan, but before moving to England I spoke with everybody at the club. I didn’t just wake up one morning and decided to leave the team. But of course, when the offer came, I was happy.”