Threeโs Company is a beloved American sitcom that aired from 1977 to 1984, known for its comedic misunderstandings, quirky characters, and iconic physical humor. The show centers around Jack Tripper (played by John Ritter), a charming and bumbling chef who pretends to be gay to live with two women, Janet Wood (Joyce DeWitt) and Chrissy Snow (Suzanne Somers), due to the landlord’s conservative rules.
The trioโs antics often involve miscommunication, hilarious situations, and an ever-suspicious landlord, creating a comedic formula that captivated audiences. Set in sunny Santa Monica, California, Threeโs Company became a cultural phenomenon, celebrated for its lighthearted exploration of social taboos, gender roles, and relationships during its era.
Suzanne Somers as Chrissy Snow
Chrissy Snow, played by Suzanne Somers, is one of the showโs most memorable characters. As a bubbly and naive secretary from Fresno, Chrissy is known for her innocent charm, wide-eyed optimism, and penchant for delivering laugh-out-loud lines with perfect comedic timing. Despite being portrayed as somewhat ditzy, Chrissy has a heart of gold and serves as a source of lightheartedness and joy in the group.