31-year-old guy takes care for a lonely 89-year woman. An incredible story

In West Hollywood, California, an extraordinary friendship between Chris Salvatore, a 31-year-old actor and singer, and Norma Cook, an 89-year-old interior decorator, has touched the hearts of many. As Norma faces her final days, Chris has become her steadfast companion and primary caregiver.

The duo, neighbors for the past four years, developed a deep bond that transcends age. When Norma, diagnosed with leukemia a decade ago, was advised by doctors to receive 24-hour at-home care, Chris didn’t hesitate to step in. “I love her, she’s my best friend. I would do anything for her,” Chris shared, emphasizing his belief in the healing power of human kindness.

Norma’s health has been rapidly declining, and she has chosen to forgo further cancer treatment. Chris is determined to ensure she feels “so loved” and comfortable in her remaining time. “She has opted out of doing treatment for the cancer,” Chris explained. “So now itโ€™s my job to make her feel at peace and not lonely.”

Their friendship began when Chris moved into the apartment complex across from Norma’s. A simple wave from Norma’s kitchen window sparked a conversation that led to an instant connection. “One day I said, โ€˜Can I come in and chat?โ€™ Because she just seemed so sweet,” Chris recalled. This initial meeting, accompanied by a glass of champagne, marked the beginning of a profound friendship.

Chris, then going through a tough breakup, found solace in Norma’s company. “Just knowing she was there and listening to me made me feel better,” he said.

Their daily interactions included cooking, talking, and spending time with Norma’s cat, Hermes. Chris describes their bond as immediate and deep, strengthened by their shared interests and Norma’s past friendships with the LGBTQ+ community. “Being gay, that bonded us right away,” Chris noted. “We talk about fashion and food mostly.”

Norma, who divorced at 43 and has no immediate family nearby, faced a challenging year with six hospital admissions. Her condition required constant care, and the prospect of moving to a facility was unbearable for her. “I couldnโ€™t let her go to a facility or nursing home,” Chris stated. “She was like, โ€˜Iโ€™d rather die than go to a facility.โ€™”

Taking on the role of power of attorney and primary caregiver, Chris started a GoFundMe campaign to cover the costs of Norma’s care not covered by insurance. The campaign, supported by followers of their hashtag #MyNeighborNorma, raised enough funds to bring Norma into Chris’s apartment under hospice care.

“Switching from best friend to caregiver is emotionally challenging,” Chris admitted. “Seeing her die in front of your eyes is really tough.” Despite the difficulties, Chris remains dedicated to making Norma’s final days filled with love and companionship. “Sheโ€™s still a firecracker,” Chris said fondly. “Sheโ€™s sassy, quick-witted, and sharp.”

Norma, despite her severe health issues, remains mentally alert and content. “Sheโ€™s aware of death and talks about it,” Chris shared. “She calls me the โ€˜grandson she never had,โ€™ and weโ€™re just trying to spend as much time together as we can.”

With hospice nurses visiting twice a week, Chris continues to provide the care Norma needs. “Norma tells me, โ€˜I donโ€™t want you to be the one to find me dead,โ€™โ€ Chris said, his voice heavy with emotion. “It breaks my heart, but Iโ€™m trying to stay strong for her.”

Reflecting on their time together, Chris expressed gratitude for the impact Norma has had on his life. “Sheโ€™s made me a kinder, more compassionate person,” he said. “I feel honored to spend her last moments with her.”